From the conquering legions of Ancient Rome to the thunderous tank battles of World War II and beyond, History of War takes you deeper inside the minds of history’s fighting men, further under the bonnets of some of the world’s most devastating war machines, and higher above the battlefield to see the broad sweep of conflict as it happened.
TIMELINE OF… BATTLES FOR THE RHINE THE 1945 • FOR Flooded plains and frantic Nazi defensive efforts can’t hold back the Western Allies’ determined assault across Germany’s longest river
MONTY’S LAST HURRAH • Gazing across the mighty River Rhine, the Allies knew the Wehrmacht troops on the other side would bitterly oppose any crossing. For Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, it would prove to be his last great operation
REMAGEN GATEWAY TO THE REICH • On 7 March 1945 the Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine at Remagen was still standing – capturing it intact was vital to the Allied advance into Nazi Germany
THE RUHR POCKET • The world’s largest industrial complex, the Ruhr was where Nazi Germany’s war machine was forged. If the Allies could capture it the conflict in Europe would effectively be over
HITLER’S ‘ALPINE FORTRESS’ • With the Rhine crossed and the Ruhr taken, Allied Supreme Commander Dwight D Eisenhower had to decide what came next. His orders would help shape the fate of Europe for decades to come
BATTLE OF THE NILE NELSON VS NAPOLEON • In 1798, Britain’s most celebrated admiral pursued the French across the Mediterranean, attempting to thwart General Bonaparte’s mission to Egypt. The pursuit culminated in what was arguably the most strategically important naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars
FLOATING FORTRESSES • In the naval battles of the era, numbers and size of guns – and the accuracy of their crew – meant everything
INSIDE PICKETT’S CHARGE • On 3 July 1863 a Confederate regiment – the 19th Virginia Infantry – marched into the jaws of Hell in one of the most infamous events in American military history
X TROOPERS THE JEWS WHO FOUGHT HITLER • Escaping the horrors of Nazi Germany, Manfred Gans joined the British Army and helped save thousands of lives
X TROOP ORIGINS • Described by Huhn as “one of the best trained units of the war”, X Troop gave German Jews a chance to fight back
UNVEILING MANFRED’S SERVICE • It took decades for his children to learn the full reality of his wartime service and their grandparent’s ordeal at Theresienstadt
REMEMBERING X TROOP • After playing such a significant role within the British Army Commandos, why is X Troop so seldom remembered as part of the German-Jewish resistance?
Heroes of the Victoria Cross MILTON FOWLER GREGG • On 28 September, 1918, this Royal Canadian Regiment officer led his men through uncut barbed wire into enemy trenches
BLUNTING THE SULTAN’S SPEAR • During his 1532 invasion, Suleiman the Magnificent faced a seemingly simple obstacle in the small fortress of Koszeg, Hungary. What ensued was a bloody struggle between Ottoman firepower and imperial grit
Great Battles FREDERICKSBURG 1862 • The Confederate invasion of the north had been repulsed in Maryland by the Army of the Potomac. President Abraham Lincoln now urged his military to seize the initiative and crush the Confederates in the east and capture their capital Richmond. It would culminate in another catastrophic defeat
Operator’s HandbookA13 MK III CRUISER COVENANTER TANK • Plagued with mechanical issues, the Covenanter was envisioned as an improved cruiser design but never deployed for overseas service